Wednesday, July 6th departing from the lobby at 11:15am
Cady’s Falls Nursery was for many years known as a source of esoteric, garden-worthy plants
for serious gardeners throughout the Northeast. Although they are no longer selling plants, the
gardens are open to the public. T
hey have been avidly collecting and propagating plants for over
forty years and their horticultural and botanical collections include some 1400 species and
cultivars from around the world, grown in a wide range of habitats and ecological niches. Their
gardens contain many unusual North American natives including arctic alpines, cacti, pitcher
plants, skunk cabbages, ladyslippers, trilliums, serpentine ferns, climbing fern, dwarf conifers
and many others. We’ll have a picnic on their wide lawn and after lunch we’ll have to opportunity to meander through the paths and admire their perennials.